时间:2023-08-09 15:32:51
2019年的最新划分(以2018年为视角)是“类爬行盯住安排 Crawl-like arrangements”
《Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions 2018》
《Revised System for the Classification of Exchange Rate Arrangements》
2020年出的最新版本(以2019年视角)从类爬行盯住安排(Crawl-like arrangements)变成了其他有管理的汇率制度(Other managed arrangement),变更的日期是2018年6月22日。
Fluctuations in exchange rate movements intensified under capital outflow pressure in emerging markets and a worsening global economic environment, particularly during the second half of 2018. Hence, a number of de facto exchange rate regimes were reclassified for countries that used the exchange rate as a shock absorber, allowing the exchange rate to be more flexible, and for those that moved to a more stable regime.
In contrast to the previous AREAER, changes in de facto exchange rate arrangements during this reporting period indicated a slight move toward more flexible or less clearly defined exchange rate regimes.